Don’t panic. It’s not actually Friday.
For the first time since I started doing my Recommended Reads I’ve actually found myself too busy to sit down and do the required reading. Why? That’s a good question.
Friday saw me out and about in Sydney with the likes of Brooke from Brooke vs the World, Alicia from World Nomads, Jessalyn from Diary of a Wandering Student, Lauren from The Life That Broke, and Nicole from Hola Chica Travels. And a bunch of super cool back-packers and World Nomads employees.
We were out in numbers for the very cool Great Nomads Chase. Suffice to say, a lot of fun was had and some new friends were made.
Oh, and my team were robbed of victory most unjustly >_>
Saturday rolled around with me feeling the nasty after-effects of a day spent running around in 28 degree heat. I managed to strain my hernia and had to go get an ultrasound to see if surgery would be necessary. That did give me a day off of work though, so once the pain had subsided I joined the aforementioned Nicole at Bronte Beach to partake in the Chilean Independence Day festivities.
While the day proper falls on the 18th (and I’m stuck at work on another gorgeous Sydney day) – there were still plenty of Chileans out on the beach for some pisco, some good tunes, and lots of salsa dancing. Even a clumsy oaf like me managed to get in a dance with a particularly feisty Chilean girl.
It was a fun night and a great chance to experience an often forgotten section of Australia’s very multicultural society. You’ll be able to read more about my experiences real soon.
But in the meantime, here’s your weekly dose of Recommended Reads!

The Reads
You’re going to notice a bit of a theme this week. There’s a lot of travel tips and budget tips here. This is intentional. As I continue planning to go on my own crazy adventure next year, I’m finding these kinds of articles more and more interesting.
I hope you do too!
Free Travel Tips eBook by Brooke vs the World
A month or so ago Brooke asked me if I wanted to contribute something to a free eBook she was creating about thrifty travel and budgeting for travel. Those who know me know that this isn’t really my forte, but I was still happy to contribute and couldn’t be happier with the end result of Brooke’s hard work.
Covering everything from saving to eating to getting there, the eBook is a great free resource for any traveler. Go look!
The Pros and Cons of Spontaneous Travel by Man vs Clock
When I’m idly day-dreaming about travel, the most persistent dream (aside from lying on a beach with a cocktail in one hand and a pretty lady feeding me grapes) is of just packing my bags, quitting my job, and going.
The Man manages to do a good job of playing devil’s advocate in here, even if I do feel like the pros far outweigh the cons. Maybe I’m just a tad biased though…
33 Useful Resources for Digital Nomads by Neverending Voyage
I said it in their comments but I’ll say it again here – this is one of the most useful blog posts I’ve ever had the pleasure to stumble across. Simon and Erin come up with a pretty comprehensive list of items, pieces of software, and websites that every digital nomad (or travel blogger in less fancy terms) should look at including in their next trip.
I found plenty of new sites and apps to investigate in here, and I’m sure you will too.
The Ultimate Travel Hacking Guide by Nomadic Matt
Travel hacking is the fine art of hunting a bargain – whether that be in the form of super cheap flights, a bargain in accommodation, or simply a cheaper way to find a bite to eat.
Matt’s put together a pretty damn comprehensive guide to finding the cheapest of everything when you’re planning your next trip. I particularly enjoyed the detailed section on finding the cheapest flights. I’ll be bearing that in mind next time I look at Kayak as the be all and end all of flight hunting.
How to Make Romance on the Road by Runaway Guide
I recently posted my own two part series on Relationships on the Road and found it intriguing to read another traveler’s advice for backpackers and world nomads looking for love. Or, y’know, just a little somethin’ somethin’.
Whereas my own article tended towards the hunt for romance, Leif’s gets right down to the nitty gritty and provides some unique ideas for lovemaking locales and selecting a hostel to maximize your sexy time. I think Leif being a dashingly handsome rogue has certainly helped him in past too.
Lucky bastard.
Smiles of China by Nomadic Samuel
Samuel’s come up with a great photo essay comprised of various toothy grins spotted during his travels in China. These range from the adorably cute to the candid to the slightly scary of a near toothless old man baring his fangs. But if this post doesn’t bring a smile to your face on a sunny Sunday, I’m not sure what will.
Shortest Way to the Infinity Pool: Straight Through the Riot Police by A Chick with Baggage
Much like Man on the Lam’s now infamous post about kissing a lady boy (and liking it), I was drawn immediately to this post by the title alone. Riot police? Some kind of magical infinity pool? The sci-fi geek in me couldn’t resist!
And while the pool in question isn’t quite as fancy as its name sounds, the adventure getting there certainly made for interesting reading – as a Chick with Baggage’s blog almost always does.
5 Must Do Things in Miami by Hola Chick Travels
The final recommended read of the week comes from my new friend Nicole. A Miami native of Chilean heritage, she’s just begun her adventure here in Australia and is making friends left, right, and centre already.
While her blog is a little quiet at the moment while she job hunts and searches for a reliable internet connection, this post definitely gives some food for thought for anybody considering a visit to Miami. Nicole’s writing is fantastic and her enthusiasm for her hometown is infectious. A definite blogger to watch.
What’s Going On?
I’ve got a few exciting entries on the horizon. In addition to covering the fantastic time I know we all had at Friday’s Great Nomads Chase, I’ll also be doing a short piece on my experience as an outsider at Saturday night’s Chilean Independence Day festivities. There’s also an interview coming up real soon with Nicole from Bitten by the Travel Bug. We had a great time sharing Korean BBQ and soju on Thursday night.
My own travel plans for the future are a tad quiet. I’m hitting up the beach next Monday with Jessalyn from Diary of a Wandering Student. There’s my fast approaching 10 year high school reunion in November to look forward to as well.
Beyond that, you’ll be seeing a lot of new content in the near future about my time in the United States and Korea. Going through a lot of my old content – I realize that a lot of it is dense and focuses on entirely too many things at once. Lots of exciting new things to read about soon including:
- A Portland brewery tour
- A day kayaking in beautiful Bundeena
- A focus on beach culture in Korea
- My impressions of sleepy Flagstaff, Arizona
- The breath-taking Route of the Hiawatha in Idaho
- A great route for a walking tour of Portland’s most picturesque sights
- Tips for planning your own The Goonies tour of Astoria in Oregon
- Part 2 of my count-down of Australia’s 10 Best Kept Secrets
And a whole lot more.
In Case You Missed Them…
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