I brave Chinese snack food as I eat what I can only fathom are 'milk sticks'. Do I live to tell the tale?
The Secret of Monkey Island, China
You don't need to be Guybrush Threepwood to enjoy China's Monkey Island. China's Hainan province is home to a tropical i...
5 Reason Why I’m Loving Life in Nanjing
Two weeks living in Nanjing and I'm loving it. Great food, great night life, and beautiful scenery make Nanjing a real h...
18 hours in Nanjing
My first eighteen hours in Nanjing include homesickness, drinking, a fall, fish mouths, pre-paid electricity, and epic p...
I Quit My Job to Travel
I recently made the decision to quit my job and leave behind a fantastic workplace and a great city in order to pursue m...