The Mediterranean is a region full of beauty, but many don't know just how accessible it is to adventure travelers on a ...
Travel Daydream: Egypt
My very first travel daydream would have to have been mysterious Egypt. And here's why I'd rather be there right now.
Guest Post: Cruising the Nile, A Voyage to the Heart of Egyptian Civilisation
Cruising down the Nile is perhaps one of the most iconic cruises on earth. It's more than just the Nile itself though. S...
Showdown: Turkey or Egypt?
Turkey or Egypt? Which of the two historic countries should you choose? Pyramids or Istanbul? Nile or Bosphorus? Kebab o...
5 Different Things to do in Egypt
It's not all Luxor and Pyramids and tombs in Egypt. Here are five different ways to explore the ancient and beautiful co...